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Graphic Designer & Marketing Admin
@STEER Technologies Inc.

I worked with a team of developers to provide visual and UI design support for Built-with-sicence's new launch fitness and nutrition APP.  (September, 2021)


3-week collaborative project


Customized UI for BWS's VIP users and potential customers and refined the brand colour to be gender mutual.


APP opening survey, home page, food logging pages, progress page



Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD

Colours and Icons

Adapt the original brand colours of blue and white, decrease the saturation and add one lighter variate (green) and one complementary colour to balance the gender impression.


Sketch ver. A

version A of the font and colour palette

Mockup 1

combine and adjust after the first meetup

Sketch ver. B

version B of the font and colour palette

Survey and progress

opening survey and progress log


Opening Survey
Food Logging
Custom Food
Hi-fi Prototype
Artboard 1 copy.png
Refined Wireframes


Throughout the research and design process, we had other features that did not include the final prototype because they are out of the main focus and beyond the limited time. Introducing them here to enrich the overall picture of our original system/experience design for the “new Netflix universe.”

Archive section  [on landing page]

Users can “Archive” the live events or shows for the recap in the future. The “Archive” function will only appear on the programs Netflix had partnered with the content providers to license streaming rights.

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